Treat the "open parent" link click more like the right-click menu entry for open parent. The latter is still different because it opens the enclosing document, not necessarily a folder if the doc result is embedded. But they now behave the same if the parent is a folder

Jean-Francois Dockes Jean-Francois Dockes 2014-07-19

changed src/qtgui/reslist.cpp
changed src/qtgui/respopup.cpp
changed src/qtgui/restable.cpp
changed src/query/reslistpager.cpp
src/qtgui/reslist.cpp Diff Switch to side-by-side view
src/qtgui/respopup.cpp Diff Switch to side-by-side view
src/qtgui/restable.cpp Diff Switch to side-by-side view
src/query/reslistpager.cpp Diff Switch to side-by-side view