git clone sqlscreens-code

File Date Author Commit
doc 1997-07-31 dockes dockes [0242a8] .
samples 1997-11-21 dockes dockes [d0b448] ntermediary commit, converted to autoconf, not ...
CHANGES 1997-10-23 dockes dockes [806c5d] ->0.3
LICENSE 1997-04-25 dockes dockes [88f404] 1st version 1997-11-21 dockes dockes [172b48] ntermediary commit, converted to autoconf, not ...
README 1997-11-21 dockes dockes [172b48] ntermediary commit, converted to autoconf, not ...
VERSION 1997-10-23 dockes dockes [806c5d] ->0.3 1997-11-21 dockes dockes [172b48] ntermediary commit, converted to autoconf, not ...
excludefile 1997-11-21 dockes dockes [172b48] ntermediary commit, converted to autoconf, not ...
install-sh 1997-11-21 dockes dockes [c352ce] ntermediary commit, converted to autoconf, not ... 1997-11-21 dockes dockes [d0b448] ntermediary commit, converted to autoconf, not ...
mysqltcl.c 1997-11-21 dockes dockes [144eaf] Use local buffers for mysql handles instead of ...
sqlscreens.tcl 1997-11-21 dockes dockes [5f9b30] Change a few routine names to have less possibi...
tcsq.tcl 1997-11-21 dockes dockes [5f9b30] Change a few routine names to have less possibi...
tkAppInit.c 1997-04-25 dockes dockes [e1a6fd] 1st version

Read Me

sqlscreens: TCL/TK code to generate database screens

See the installation section in doc/sqlscreens.ascii or

For the very hurried (but this might not work the first time, this is
the first version with autoconf):

make install

- If you're using solaris, the dynamic load version will not work (the
  install will fail because of undefined symbols like__umoddi3) . You
  can use mysqlwish (static link) to test, there are explanations in the
  documentation to get the dynamic version to work.

There are sample applications in the "samples" directory. You can copy
them in another place

See samples/tablescreen.tcl for a minimal example application:
 This is the very minimum possible program, it just generates a
default screen for the table you point it to.

See samples/wines.tcl for a more complete application:
 This is a small app to manage a wine cellar. It's not supposed to be
a good wine-cellar managing application, just an exemple of what you
can easily do with sqlscreens, and I happened to have the data

If you want to try this, you should create the tables and load the
data first. 
 You should first create the database and load the data from
 samples/winesload.sql by doing: 
    cd samples
    mysql test < winesload.sql

 You can then start wines.tcl. It has two possible options: -query or
-input, which start slightly different screens for querying the
database or adding data into it.
There are 5 tables in the wines db. 
 - "wines" lists the wines,
 - "producers" lists who made them, 
 - "providers" lists where you bought them, 
 - "origins" lists the official wine denominations
 - tastings is for your tasting comments

"origins" would normally be a closed list, created once and very
seldom updated, here it is far from complete and limited to the wines
that are actually there. Still, it is handled as not updateable (that
is, you would use another application, maybe tablescreen, to update

The application has 5 subscreens. The subscreens are linked so that
querying or inserting in "providers", "producers", "origins" or
tastings will set the corresponding join column in "wines".

Because this is TCL, it would be easy to add more code, for example to
generate lists, statistics, etc... The goal was not to make a complete