git clone timbus-context-model-ontology-visualisation

File Date Author Commit
.settings 2014-08-05 Rudolf Mayer Rudolf Mayer [9e5622] check more robust
META-INF 2014-01-07 Carlos Coutinho Carlos Coutinho [b46e96] First Version on Git, synchronised with TIMBUS ...
eclipse-launcher 2014-06-01 Rudolf Mayer Rudolf Mayer [d42c1c] updated launchers
lib 2014-06-01 Rudolf Mayer Rudolf Mayer [4f4866] fixing libs
src 2014-08-05 Rudolf Mayer Rudolf Mayer [9e5622] check more robust
.classpath 2014-06-01 Rudolf Mayer Rudolf Mayer [1451e8] fixing libs
.gitignore 2014-06-01 Rudolf Mayer Rudolf Mayer [6852c3] git ignore
.project 2014-01-07 Carlos Coutinho Carlos Coutinho [b46e96] First Version on Git, synchronised with TIMBUS ...
README.txt 2014-01-07 Carlos Coutinho Carlos Coutinho [b46e96] First Version on Git, synchronised with TIMBUS ...
build.xml 2014-06-01 Rudolf Mayer Rudolf Mayer [63dd9d] adapted descriptions 2014-05-26 Rudolf Mayer Rudolf Mayer [2f852b] update 2014-06-01 Rudolf Mayer Rudolf Mayer [934757] reduced unneeded entries from properties file
plugin.xml 2014-01-07 Carlos Coutinho Carlos Coutinho [b46e96] First Version on Git, synchronised with TIMBUS ...
runViewer.bat 2014-01-07 Carlos Coutinho Carlos Coutinho [b46e96] First Version on Git, synchronised with TIMBUS ... 2014-01-07 Carlos Coutinho Carlos Coutinho [b46e96] First Version on Git, synchronised with TIMBUS ...

Read Me

This project contains several tools for working with the TIMBUS context model.

It provides a Protege plugin with the following tabs

- TIMBUS Context Model Ontology: gives information on mainly the classes of the model, e.g. a grouping in the Zachman Framework

- TIMBUS Individual Editor: provides a customised view focused on adding & editing individuals; the editors for individuals are customised to allow filtering (e.g. by substring in the individual name)

- TIMBUS Individual Graph: provides a graph view of the individuals and their relations, the most advanced is the JUNG flavour; the latter also allows to edit the individuals, providing the following operations

-- right-clicking on an empty space allows to add a new indivudiual

-- right-clicking on a node (individual) allows to
--- rename the individual
--- change the class
--- delete the individual
--- add a relation (object property), for which this individual will be the subject

-- right-clicking on an edge (relation, object property) allows to
--- delete the edge
--- edit the edge (e.g. change the object property used, change the object, i.e. the end point of the edge)
--- change the direction of the arrow (i.e. swap subject and object)
--- use the inverse relation (e.g. changes from hasRequirement to isRequirementOf), without changing the direction

The project has to be compiled and registered as plugin to Protege. Installation is facilitated by an ANT script, and requires (at least)
-- Java 1.6
-- ANT

1.) Download and install Protege (tested Version 4.1) from

2.) edit "" in the project root folder, and set the "protege.home" property to your installation path

3.) run "ant install" in the project root folder. This should
-- make a file "build/net.timbusproject.context.protege.jar" in your current folder
-- copy this file to "protege.home"/plugins (assuming the folder exists, and you have write permission to it)

4.) run Protege. You should get a message
"Installed plugin TIMBUS Context Model Plug-in"

5.) Open ContextModel.owl or an instance;

6.) Click on Window->Tabs, and select each of the three TIMBUS plugins