Some of the most used extractors/agents should be made available as offline (i.e., running locally) to allow the use-case owners to run these on the target machines, so that they are able to see (debug) what is being extracted and how this information will be exported to the context model, instead of having it immediately on the Jena Server and thus having to make queries out of it.
miguel gama nunes
2014-02-04Developed local version of linux hardware and Debian software extractors.
The proposed approach is to develop the local extractor in the same project as the osgi one. As they share most resources, all one needs to do to use the local extractor is to execute mvn package on the respective projects and it will generate two .jar: One for osgi, and another one for local use. Despite being in the same project, maven allows some control over what each .jar includes. However, for maximum fine-grain control over the packaging, separate project development is recommended
miguel gama nunes
2014-02-04- status: open --> closed