* Copyright 2013-2014 TECO - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
* This file is part of TACET.
* TACET is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* TACET is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with TACET. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package squirrel.view;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import squirrel.model.Annotation;
import squirrel.model.FloatingpointAnnotation;
import squirrel.model.IntegerAnnotation;
import squirrel.model.LabelAnnotation;
import squirrel.model.ModelFacade;
import squirrel.model.TrainAnnotation;
import squirrel.model.io.DataColumn;
import squirrel.model.io.DataSource;
import squirrel.util.Range;
* An instance of this class represents a single track of annotations.
public class AnnotationTrackView extends TrackView {
* The height of the room between the annotation and this component's
* border.
private int insets = 2;
/** The shape of the round corners. */
private int arcWidth = 7;
private int arcHeight = 7;
* The color of this component's background. Background is anything that is
* not covered by an annotation.
private Color clrBackground = super.getBackground();
/** The color of an annotaition's background. */
private Color clrAnnotationBackground = Color.LIGHT_GRAY;
/** The color of an annotation's foreground. */
private Color clrAnnotationForeground = Color.BLACK;
/** The color used for the line surrounding an annotation. */
private Color clrContour = Color.BLACK;
private int annotationIndex;
* Constructs a new instance of this class that displays the annotations
* from {@code model} that fall into the range between {@code rangeStart}
* and {@code rangeEnd}.
* @param model the instance that is used to obtain annotations
* @param index the track's index this instance draws
* @param startRange the range to be initially displayed by this instance.
public AnnotationTrackView(ModelFacade model, int index, Range startRange) {
super(model, index, startRange);
DataSource<? extends DataColumn> source = model.getCurrentDataSource();
this.name = source.getDataColumn(index).getName();
this.annotationIndex = source.toAnnotationIndex(index);
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
// Use the extended capabilities of the Graphics2D instance
Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D) g;
// Make use of antialiasing to smoothen the curves
int height = super.getHeight() - 2 * insets;
int vs = translateTimestampToPixel(visibleExcerpt.getStart());
int ve = translateTimestampToPixel(visibleExcerpt.getEnd());
for (Annotation annotation : model.getAnnotations(visibleExcerpt, annotationIndex)) {
int as = translateTimestampToPixel(annotation.getStart());
int ae = translateTimestampToPixel(annotation.getEnd());
int de = ve - ae;
int ds = vs - as;
int x = as - vs;
if (x < 0) x = 0;
int y = insets;
int visibleWidth = computeVisibleWidth(annotation, ds, de);
// the middle part of the annotation
g2D.fillRect(x + arcWidth, y + 1, visibleWidth - 2 * arcWidth, height);
g2D.fillRect(x, y + arcHeight, arcWidth, height - 2 * arcHeight);
g2D.fillRect(x + visibleWidth - arcWidth, y + arcHeight, arcWidth, height - 2 * arcHeight);
g2D.drawLine(x + arcWidth, y, x + visibleWidth - arcWidth, y);
g2D.drawLine(x + arcWidth, y + height, x + visibleWidth - arcWidth, y + height);
if (de > 0) { // round on the right
g2D.fillArc(x + visibleWidth - 2 * arcWidth, y, 2 * arcWidth, 2 * arcHeight, 0, 90);
g2D.fillArc(x + visibleWidth - 2 * arcWidth, y + height - 2 * arcHeight, 2 * arcWidth, 2 * arcHeight, 0, -90);
g2D.drawArc(x + visibleWidth - 2 * arcWidth, y, 2 * arcWidth, 2 * arcHeight, 0, 90);
g2D.drawArc(x + visibleWidth - 2 * arcWidth, y + height - 2 * arcHeight, 2 * arcWidth, 2 * arcHeight, 0, -90);
g2D.drawLine(x + visibleWidth, y + arcHeight, x + visibleWidth, y + height - arcHeight);
if (ds < 0) { // round on the left
g2D.fillArc(x, y, 2 * arcWidth, 2 * arcHeight, 90, 90);
g2D.fillArc(x, y + height - 2 * arcHeight, 2 * arcWidth, 2 * arcHeight, -90, -90);
g2D.drawArc(x, y, 2 * arcWidth, 2 * arcHeight, 90, 90);
g2D.drawArc(x, y + height - 2 * arcHeight, 2 * arcWidth, 2 * arcHeight, -90, -90);
g2D.drawLine(x, y + arcHeight, x, y + height - arcHeight);
if (de < 0) { // cut-off on the right
g2D.drawLine(x + visibleWidth - arcWidth, y, x + visibleWidth, y);
g2D.drawLine(x + visibleWidth - arcWidth, y + height, x + visibleWidth, y + height);
g2D.fillRect(x + visibleWidth - arcWidth, y + 1, arcWidth + 1, height - 1);
if (ds > 0) { // cut-off on the left
g2D.drawLine(x, y, x + arcWidth, y);
g2D.drawLine(x, y + height, x + arcHeight, y + height);
g2D.fillRect(x, y + 1, arcWidth, height - 1);
// Center the text to be drawn into the current rectangle.
drawCenteredString(g2D, makePrintable(annotation), height, x, visibleWidth);
* Calculates the visible width of the @code annotation
* @param annotation - the annotation to calculate the width of
* @param diffStart
* @param diffEnd
* @return
private int computeVisibleWidth(Annotation annotation, int diffStart, int diffEnd) {
int visibleWidth = 0;
if (diffStart < 0 && diffEnd > 0)
visibleWidth = translateTimestampToPixel(annotation.getEnd()) -
else if (diffStart > 0 && diffEnd > 0)
visibleWidth = translateTimestampToPixel(annotation.getEnd()) -
else if (diffStart < 0 && diffEnd < 0)
visibleWidth = translateTimestampToPixel(visibleExcerpt.getEnd()) -
else if (diffStart > 0 && diffEnd < 0)
visibleWidth = translateTimestampToPixel(visibleExcerpt.getEnd()) -
return visibleWidth;
* Draws the centred label of the annotation
* @param g2D
* @param label - Name of the annotation
* @param height - height of an annotation track
* @param start - x coordinate where the annotation starts
* @param visibleWidth - width of the visible part of the anntotation
private void drawCenteredString(Graphics2D g2D, String label, int height, int start,
int visibleWidth) {
FontMetrics fm = g2D.getFontMetrics();
int vStringInsets = insets + ((height - fm.getDescent()) / 2);
int hStringInsets = (visibleWidth - fm.stringWidth(label)) / 2;
g2D.drawString(label, start + hStringInsets, fm.getAscent() + vStringInsets - 5);
* Analyses the annotation an returns a lable depending of which type of annotation it is
* @param annot - an annotation
* @return label/name of the annotation which will be painted on the annotation box
private String makePrintable(Annotation annot) {
if (annot instanceof IntegerAnnotation) {
return String.valueOf(((IntegerAnnotation) annot).getValue());
} else if (annot instanceof FloatingpointAnnotation) {
return String.valueOf(((FloatingpointAnnotation) annot).getValue());
} else if (annot instanceof LabelAnnotation) {
return ((LabelAnnotation) annot).getLabel();
} else if (annot instanceof TrainAnnotation) {
return (annot.toValue());
return "-";
public boolean isOptimizedDrawingEnabled() {
return true;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%d:[%d-%d]", index, visibleExcerpt.getStart(),
public long translatePixelToTimestamp(int x) {
return (long) ((double) visibleExcerpt.getDistance() / this.getWidth() * x) + visibleExcerpt.getStart();
public int translateTimestampToPixel(long timestamp) {
return (int) ((double) getWidth() / visibleExcerpt.getDistance() * (timestamp - visibleExcerpt.getStart()));