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--- a/tool/run/plugins/spdx/create.java
+++ b/tool/run/plugins/spdx/create.java
@@ -186,8 +186,31 @@
                 setTitle("Creating SPDX from source folder");
+                  // start the SPDX class
+        final DocumentCreate newSPDX = new DocumentCreate();
+         // launch a small thread to keep the progress updated
+               Thread thread = new Thread(){
+                   @Override
+                   public void run(){
+                       // wait a little bit for things to start
+                       utils.time.wait(4);
+                       // keep repearing while things are being processed
+                       while(newSPDX.isProcessing){
+                            utils.time.wait(4);
+                            setStatus("%1 files processed out of %1", 
+                                    "" + newSPDX.filesProcessed, 
+                                    "" + newSPDX.files.size());
+                       }
+                   }
+               };
+               thread.start();
                // third step, create the SPDX document from the extracted files
-               String result = createDocument(source, this);
+               String result = createDocument(source, this, newSPDX);
                // all done here, explain where the SPDX document can be found
                nextStep = 
@@ -204,7 +227,6 @@
         //request.setAnswer("Process launched as " + task.getUID());
                 + "?ID=" + task.getUID(), 0, ""));
@@ -270,8 +292,11 @@
+              final DocumentCreate newSPDX = new DocumentCreate();
                // third step, create the SPDX document from the extracted files
-               String result = createDocument(extractedFolder, this);
+               String result = createDocument(extractedFolder, this, newSPDX);
@@ -289,10 +314,11 @@
      * @param extractedFolder The folder where source code files are located
      * @param task the running task that will hold the status update
-    private String createDocument(File extractedFolder, RunningTask task){
+    private String createDocument(File extractedFolder, RunningTask task, 
+            DocumentCreate newSPDX){
         task.setStatus("Creating the SPDX document");
-        // start the SPDX class
-        DocumentCreate newSPDX = new DocumentCreate();
         // do all the heavy work
         String result = newSPDX.create(extractedFolder);
         // count the time it took to run this task