git clone vfos-engagement-code

File Date Author Commit
components-for-industry 2019-02-01 Danny Pape Danny Pape [e8e0a1] update Lyon2 components
css 2019-01-22 Tobias Hinz Tobias Hinz [8e5193] Removed hover effect on images
fonts 2018-09-20 masterviana masterviana [b3f43f] inital commit of vfos portal template
img 2019-01-21 Danny Pape Danny Pape [a76a43] Image Template Adjustment
js 2018-09-20 masterviana masterviana [b3f43f] inital commit of vfos portal template
scss 2018-09-20 masterviana masterviana [b3f43f] inital commit of vfos portal template
showcases-for-industry 2019-01-29 Danny Pape Danny Pape [503dbe] MASS review contribution integrated and placeho...
android-chrome-192x192.png 2019-01-10 Tobias Hinz Tobias Hinz [c5b825] Favicon added
android-chrome-512x512.png 2019-01-10 Tobias Hinz Tobias Hinz [c5b825] Favicon added
apple-touch-icon.png 2019-01-10 Tobias Hinz Tobias Hinz [c5b825] Favicon added
browserconfig.xml 2019-01-10 Tobias Hinz Tobias Hinz [c5b825] Favicon added
favicon-16x16.png 2019-01-10 Tobias Hinz Tobias Hinz [c5b825] Favicon added
favicon-32x32.png 2019-01-10 Tobias Hinz Tobias Hinz [c5b825] Favicon added
favicon.ico 2019-01-10 Tobias Hinz Tobias Hinz [c5b825] Favicon added
index.html 2019-01-28 Danny Pape Danny Pape [72a7d3] Included review comments Part I
mstile-150x150.png 2019-01-10 Tobias Hinz Tobias Hinz [c5b825] Favicon added
package.json 2018-09-20 masterviana masterviana [b3f43f] inital commit of vfos portal template
safari-pinned-tab.svg 2019-01-10 Tobias Hinz Tobias Hinz [c5b825] Favicon added
showcases.html 2018-12-11 Tobias Hinz Tobias Hinz [db3802] Added links to YouTube and LinkedIn in footer
site.webmanifest 2019-01-10 Tobias Hinz Tobias Hinz [c5b825] Favicon added