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--- a/components-for-industry/application-services-and-middleware/io-toolkit/external-service-provision.html
+++ b/components-for-industry/application-services-and-middleware/io-toolkit/external-service-provision.html
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
                             <h4>Uniform approach to external services</h4>
-                                Through the ESP external services are uniformly presented to other vf-OS assets.
+                                Through the ESP, external services are uniformly presented to other vf-OS assets.
                         <div class="single-services col" style="margin-left: 10px;">
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                             <span class="lnr lnr-map" style="font-size:40px; color:#988fff;margin-top: 30px;"></span>
                             <h4>Service registry</h4>
-                                The ESP framework contains multiple registries to facilitate discovery and access to services, including to services provided by other vf-OS developers.
+                                The ESP framework contains multiple registries to facilitate discovery and access to services, including services provided by other vf-OS developers.
                         <div class="single-services col" style="margin-left: 10px;">
@@ -136,28 +136,27 @@
                         <h2>External Service Provision</h2>
-                            An important component in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) implementations is the Service Provisioning module. Provisioning in this context is 
-                            the preparation of services and clients to enable usage of such an external service within the local application environment. Given the current 
-                            approach to SOA, and microservices, typically modern services are already accessible and available, through simple, documented, web-enabled, 
-                            REST services, with their own authentication and authorisation mechanisms. However, to provide a standardised way to access such services, and to 
-                            facilitate the localisation and lookup of services, support libraries, wrappers, and documentation effort is needed. Thus, the vf-OS External Service 
-                            Provision component provides repositories for support libraries, wrapper libraries and documentation. The library repositories will be provided with 
-                            reference implementations of libraries for existing services playing a role in the vf-OS pilots.
-                        </p>
+                            An important component in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) implementations is the Service Provisioning module. Provisioning in this context 
+                            is the preparation of services and clients to enable usage of such an external service within the local application environment.
+                        </p>
+                        <p>
+                            Given the current approach to SOA, and microservices, typically modern services are already accessible and available, through simple, documented, 
+                            web-enabled, REST services, with their own authentication and authorisation mechanisms. However, to provide a standardised way to access such services, 
+                            and to facilitate the localisation and lookup of services, support libraries, wrappers, and documentation effort is needed.
+                        </p>
+                        <p>
+                            Thus, the vf-OS External Service Provision component provides repositories for support libraries, wrapper libraries and documentation. 
+                            The library repositories will be provided with reference implementations of libraries for existing services playing a role in the vf-OS pilots.
+                        </p>
+                        <p>
+                            The ESP framework is composed of the following modules:
+                        </p>
                         <div style="margin-top:20px;">
                             <h4 style="margin-bottom:10px;">The ESP framework is composed of the following modules:</h4>
                             <ul class="fa-ul">
-                                <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-square"></i>Support Library Repository:  Support Library Repository: This module, in the form of libraries, has two functions. 
-                                    Firstly, it provides compatibility layers for services. These make sure that vApps can use different versions of the same external service without 
-                                    running into compatibility problems. Secondly, it provides additional convenience classes and helper methods, or even additional services that are 
-                                    not provided by an external service directly. </span> </li>
-                                <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-square"></i>Wrapper Library Repository:  Wrapper libraries turn existing interfaces of external services into vf-OS compatible 
-                                    interfaces. They are often lightweight, since the external services will typically not be very adaptable, and should not introduce too much overhead. 
-                                    Wrapper libraries are usually implemented by applying well-known design patterns like adapters, proxies and fa��ades. Interfacing and packaging is 
-                                    similar to the support libraries.</span></li>
-                                <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-square"></i>Documentation Repository: This repository contains additional documentation about the support and wrapper libraries, 
-                                    such as design guides, best practices, and code samples.</span></li>
+                                <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-square"></i><em>Support Library Repository:</em> This module, in the form of libraries, has two functions. Firstly, it provides compatibility layers for services. These make sure that vApps can use different versions of the same external service without running into compatibility problems. Secondly, it provides additional convenience classes and helper methods, or even additional services that are not provided by an external service directly.</span> </li>
+                                <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-square"></i><em>Wrapper Library Repository:</em> Wrapper libraries turn existing interfaces of external services into vf-OS compatible interfaces. They are often lightweight, since the external services will typically not be very adaptable, and should not introduce too much overhead. Wrapper libraries are usually implemented by applying well-known design patterns like adapters, proxies and fa��ades. Interfacing and packaging are similar to the support libraries.</span></li>
+                                <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-square"></i><em>Documentation Repository:</em> This repository contains additional documentation about the support and wrapper libraries, such as design guides, best practices, and code samples.</span></li>