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--- a/components-for-industry/application-services-and-middleware/middleware/publish-subscribe.html
+++ b/components-for-industry/application-services-and-middleware/middleware/publish-subscribe.html
@@ -136,21 +136,24 @@
                     <div class="col-md-7 mt-sm-20 left-align-p">
                         <h2>Publish / Subscribe</h2>
-                        <p>The Pub/Sub component is part of the Data Infrastructure Middleware and is composed by a publisher that sends messages to 
-                            one or more queues and composed by a consumer, that receives messages from specific queues. All messages use the AMQP 
-                            protocol that provides reliable solutions for systems-interconnection based on publish-and-subscribe or multicast 
-                            communication channels. The Pub/Sub component uses a message broker (RabbitMQ) to handle the communication between the 
-                            message producer and message receiver(s). The broker also uses the Security component to verify the authentication and 
-                            authorisation of the asset that is using the Pub/Sub services. To facilitate the usage of this component, there are libraries 
-                            available in JavaScript and Java languages that allow the components to receive and send messages synchronously.
-                        </p>
-                        <p>The component(s) that want to receive messages will create queues with specific identifications (routingKeys) and the 
-                            component(s) that want to broadcast messages will only need to specify those identifications. All these steps will be 
-                            transparent for the end user through the previously mentioned libraries. If the message consumer is offline, the message 
-                            will be stored in the broker until the consumer reads the message.
-                        </p>
+                        <p>
+                            The Pub/Sub component is part of the Data Infrastructure Middleware and is composed by a publisher, the one sending messages 
+                            to one or more queues, and subscribers, consuming messages from specific queues. All messages use the AMQP protocol that provides 
+                            reliable solutions for systems-interconnection based on publish-and-subscribe or multicast communication channels.
+                        </p>
+                        <p>
+                            The Pub/Sub component uses a message broker (RabbitMQ) to handle the communication between the publisher and subscriber(s). 
+                            The broker also uses the Security component to verify the authentication and authorisation of the asset that is using the Pub/Sub 
+                            services. To facilitate the usage of this component, there are libraries available in JavaScript and Java languages that allow the 
+                            components to publish and subscribe to queues synchronously.
+                        </p>
+                        <p>
+                            The component, that wants to publish messages will create queues with specific identifications (routingKeys) and the component(s) 
+                            that want to receive messages will only need to specify those identifications. All these steps will be transparent for the end user 
+                            through the previously mentioned libraries. If the message consumer is offline, the message will be stored in the broker until the 
+                            consumer reads the message.
+                        </p>
                     <div class="col-md-5">
                         <img src="img/publish-subscribe_screenshot.png" alt="" class="img-fluid" style="margin-top: 33%;">