Commit Date  
more small changes
[cb30f2] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-09-13 Tree
changes to interface to work from any remote pc
[231c41] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-09-12 Tree
minnor changes
[c41050] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-07-27 Tree
restructuring generic template for common files
[50e367] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-07-27 Tree
changes on docker and root files
[821f77] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-07-18 Tree
Merge branch 'master' of https://opensourceproj...
[9a9ab4] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-07-18 Tree
changes to test cases
[7ca203] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-07-09 Tree
test cases + generic driver update
[aded9a] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-07-03 Tree
changes to tests
[64b062] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-06-28 Tree
Merge branch 'master' of https://opensourceproj...
[9a8f87] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-06-26 Tree
changes to test
[0ec5d6] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-06-26 Tree
changes to opc ua and readme
[2937f1] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-06-22 Tree
tones of changes to opc ua models, api and ui
[856316] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-06-21 Tree
- Few small fixes for demos
[122aaa] by Francisco Francisco
2018-05-30 Tree
- Added new user prompts to include OPC UA secu...
[594f71] by Francisco Francisco
2018-05-28 Tree
some changes
[00f00b] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-05-28 Tree
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
[67b619] by Francisco Francisco
2018-05-28 Tree
- Added dependency problem to solve dependency ...
[ddf93e] by Francisco Francisco
2018-05-28 Tree
changes to opc ua datajs
[c996fd] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-05-23 Tree
opc ua: a stack of changes to make reading work
[7f4c5c] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-05-23 Tree
opc ua changes to readSensorData and subscripti...
[a8489a] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-05-23 Tree
opc ua new configuration json file with messagi...
[5d5498] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-05-22 Tree
added new files to model, mods to opc ua an oth...
[3429b5] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-05-21 Tree
opc ua driver, added metadata model and changes...
[1a553b] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-05-21 Tree
added mocha test file to opc ua template
[a550af] by vicanfon vicanfon
2018-05-21 Tree
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Showing results of 95