Parent: [2937f1] (diff)

Child: [892246] (diff)

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# generator-vfos-io [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![Dependency Status][daviddm-image]][daviddm-url]

## Development 
vf-OS IO Toolkit Component generator. 
This generator has been generated using the Yeoman Generator-Generator. If you want to generate the code from scratch, 
then install Yeoman and the Loopback generator:
npm install -g yo generator-loopback
The generator source is under the generator folder. 
The Swagger default Driver and API Connector files are in the Swagger folder.

## Installation and testing

To test it:
Install required dependencies (npm install)

npm install -g generator-vfos-io

CD to the generator folder:
cd generator-vfos-io
Link the generator so that you can use it from the command window 

npm link

Generate your new project with the yeoman command tool:

yo vfos-io

You can use the option loopback to create a IO component using the loopback framework

yo vfos-io --loopback
The option force will overwrite files by default

yo vfos-io --loopback --force

## Using Docker 
To use the provided Docker file, just find a suitable name for your container image:

docker build -t vfos/vfos-io .

The image creates a volume on the folder /home/vfos/generated, which is also the Docker working directory. To access the generated code mount the volume on a folder in your host:

On windows
docker run -v e:/workspace/dockers/driver-test2/generated:/home/vfos/generated -it vfos/vfos-io bash
On linux
docker run -v /home/user_name/driver-test2/generated:/home/vfos/generated -it vfos/vfos-io bash
Make sure that the selected folder in the host machine has create and write permissions to other users group or vfos group.

## Getting To Know Yeoman

 * Yeoman has a heart of gold.
 * Yeoman is a person with feelings and opinions, but is very easy to work with.
 * Yeoman can be too opinionated at times but is easily convinced not to be.
 * Feel free to [learn more about Yeoman](

## License

MIT © [Francisco]()
