git clone timbus-context-population-extractors-dll

File Date Author Commit
.settings 2014-10-11 amado14 amado14 [22a043] Alterações do master
Files 2014-03-12 amado14 amado14 [2bfd43] new services and readmefile
src 2014-10-11 amado14 amado14 [22a043] Alterações do master
.classpath 2014-10-11 amado14 amado14 [22a043] Alterações do master
.gitignore 2014-01-29 amado14 amado14 [e2361d] DONE webservices a funcionar
.project 2014-01-29 amado14 amado14 [e2361d] DONE webservices a funcionar
README-Standalone.txt 2014-10-11 amado14 amado14 [22a043] Alterações do master 2014-03-18 amado14 amado14 [aab342] merge com os dois repositorios
dropbox-core-sdk-1.7.6.jar 2014-02-16 amado14 amado14 [3a205a] todos os serviços a funcionar
instalation.txt 2014-03-18 amado14 amado14 [8148a0] Merge branch 'master' of https://opensourceproj...
jackson-core-2.2.3.jar 2014-02-16 amado14 amado14 [3a205a] todos os serviços a funcionar
org.json-20120521.jar 2014-01-29 amado14 amado14 [852460] jar novo
result.jar 2014-10-11 amado14 amado14 [22a043] Alterações do master

Read Me

Windows DLL Extractor

Usage Scenario

This extractor is designed to work in a windows environment.
Aims to be able to extract the information / data of the applications installed in the machine.

Usage Preconditions

1 - Eclipse + tomcat.
2 - Root permissions to wmic comand.
3 - Windows OS.


1 - Eclipse with tomcat server.
2 - Jvm.
3- Dependency Walker for machine #bit dependency the 64X is in the package.
How to install the extractor in machine windows.

Output Description

ListMSI returns all the application well-installed in the machine.
The properties returned for application are :
Publisher,Package Name,Application,Local Package,Install Source,Install Date,Version,Install Location.

The dependency extractor return all the dependencies of one application ( by name).
Have to types of quering the dependencies :
1- Aggregates the dependencies per file.
2- List all the dependencies of the application;
Properties shown :
Name ,Version , Path.
depExtractor(String appname, int option):
1 - Link
2 - Link
depExtractorJson(String appname, int option)
1 - Link
2 - Link

The output of the zipping service its a link to a file with all the dependencies needed.
The xml that needs to be imputed is this type:
and the response its a link to a folder like :

Link to the output ontology

Generated Concepts and Properties

Bullet point list of generated ontology concepts and properties

Mapping to TIMBUS DIO

Link to mapping file

TIMBUS Use Cases


Use Case 1

1 - Listing all MSI files installed in the machine to have a clear view of what is the source machine.
2 - List all dependencies in a application ( for TIMBUS porpuse Gest Barragens).
3 - Zip needed files and send it to the dropbox to be stored for preservation.


  1. Improvement of the performance of the current windows extractor by means
    of better data structures and execution flow.Change the methodology of the process
    to start using dependency walker instead of ildasm.

  2. Development of a new web service that provides a list with all the
    applications inatalled on the computer being considered; this is done
    by obtaining all the MSI files that are given with the command wmic.
    The information that is provided follows an XML schema that contains
    a description of the software and iys intallation date.

  3. Development of a new version of the windows extractor that is based
    on the MSI file of an application. This allows the extractor to start
    its dependecy check at a particular folder.

  4. Development of a new web service that supports the construction of
    a zip archive with a set of files. These are intended to be installed
    latter in a target computer. Thus, the zip archive is automatically
    stored in a dropbox folder from where it can be esaily obtained for
    installation purposes.