git clone timbus-context-population-extractors-linux-hw

File Date Author Commit
src 2014-03-10 miguelnunes miguelnunes [1fe0af] Adapted to extractors-core 0.0.3 - Sends parame...
.gitignore 2013-11-25 Luís Marques Luís Marques [42ce59] Added command line interface
pom.xml 2014-03-10 miguelnunes miguelnunes [1fe0af] Adapted to extractors-core 0.0.3 - Sends parame...
readme.txt 2013-11-12 Luís Marques Luís Marques [e081d1] Extracts CPU

Read Me

To facilitate OSGi bundle manifest generation, the archetype uses Felix maven plugin.
Please see for more information.