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Taverna-Provenance-Extractor and Archimate-Converter v1.0

This program encapsulates four different features.

Feature A: Converts a Taverna 2.4 worfklow to an Archimate model.
Feature B: Accesses provenance data captured during a Taverna 2.4 workflow run,
applies DROID on that capturing (to identify used file formats in the workflow) and generates
a CSV report (including e.g., file formats). Extends an existing Domain Specific Ontology (DSO)
with file format information identified by DROID.


  • JRE 1.6+
  • Apache Ant 1.9+ for building
  • DOT (comes with Graphviz)

===== HOW-TO BUILD =====

(1) Checkout the current project from
(2) Change in the checked-out directory.
(3) Use 'ant jar' to build the a runnable jar.
(4) Change to the 'dist' directory.
(5) Adapt the file.
(6) Run the executable with 'java -jar TavernaExtractor.jar '.

===== HOW-TO USE =====

A   =>  -i,--inputFile <arg>      ...specifies the taverna t2flow (input) file. \path\to\taverna\input.t2flow
        -o,--outputFile <arg>     ...specifies the archimate (output) file. \path\to\archimate\output.archimate
        -d,--dependencyDir <arg>  ...workflow dependencies directory. [OPTIONAL]

B1  =>  -d,--droid <arg>       ...\path\where\to\save\droidOutputFile

B2  =>  -cr,--report <arg>      ...\path\where\droidOutputFile\is\located

B3  =>  -ont,--ontology-file <arg>  ...ontology to extend. \path\to\ontology
        -r,--reportFile <arg>       ...generated DROID CSV report.

        -v, verbose     ...enable verbose mode

===== SAMPLE USAGE =====

[A] Convert a Taverna Workflow to an Archimate Model:

-i \path\to\TavernvaWorkflowInputFile.t2flow -o \path\to\ArchimateOutputFile.archimate

[B1] Running DROID identififaction process on collected Taverna Workflow Run data:

-d path\to\myDroidFile.droid

Sample Output:
===== [ID] | [Workflow Name (Timestamp)] ===== | 2 entries found.

[1] MusicClassificationExperiment (2013-09-25 13:11:42.488)
[2] MusicClassificationExperiment (2013-09-23 10:44:43.839)
Your choice:  //Enter an ID to process

[B2] Generate a CSV report of a DROID profile: (CSV report is stored in the same directory as the *.droid input file)

-cr path\to\myDroidFile.droid

[C] Extend existing ontology with information about the used file formats in the workflow run:

-ont \path\to\myOntology.owl -r \path\to\myDroidCSVreportFile.droid.csv