git clone timbus-context-population-extractors-wrapper-ssh

File Date Author Commit
META-INF 2014-03-18 miguelnunes miguelnunes [43d519] Updated extractor to 0.0.3 of extractors-core a...
src 2014-03-24 miguelnunes miguelnunes [77e4da] Merge branch 'extractionoutput' into develop
.gitignore 2014-02-21 miguelnunes miguelnunes [3bf8d1] Corrected gitignore error which was causing the... 2014-03-20 miguelnunes miguelnunes [0809dc] Updated 2014-01-21 miguelnunes miguelnunes [cbd0ce] First clean version. Receives one or multiple f...
pom.xml 2014-07-31 Jorge Simões Jorge Simões [a3e791] Fixed repository

Read Me

SSH Wrapper Extractor

SSH Wrapper Extractor is a tool that is able to send any list of commands to a remote machine and capture its output.


How to get the code

git clone timbus-context-population-extractors-wrapper-ssh


Install Requirements

  1. Oracle Java JDK 1.7

Requirements for the extraction target

  1. Any operating system with authenticated user running SSH server


Collected Information

SSH, standing for Secure Shell, is part of the TCP/IP protocol suite and offers a nearly unanimous safe way to administrate UNIX remote machines. It can also be used in other operating systems such as Windows by using proper emulators.
Example: PuTTY


Relevant parameters

  1. Typical SSH authentication parameters: User, Password
  2. Computer fqdn and port (defaults to 22)
  3. List of commands to be performed in machine


Expected output

As the Extractor Wrapper is aimed to capture the output of any local extractor or remote file containing a previously performed extraction, it does not expect any specific output. In this moment, it is designed to perform punctual remote-to-local extractions.
Version 0.0.3 of Extractors API will include a functionality in which it expects each extraction's output to contain a header which explicitly declares the format of the output.


TIMBUS Use Cases

This extractor is possibly relevant to all use cases which might contain sensitive data.

Example usage


  • The target machine has a .jar local extractor located in ~/Documents
  • The origin and remote machines are in the same network and the remote one has an open SSH port

JSON Request:

"extractions": [
        "module": "SSH Wrapper Extractor",
        "parameters": {
            "user": "timbususer",
            "password": "securepassword",
            "commands": "[\"java -jar ~/Documents/someLocalExtractor.jar\"]"

As you can see, the "commands" argument is actually a String representing an array, so it has to be escaped with the proper backslashes. In this case, it requests for only one extraction. If we had added more commands, the output would be an Array containing the output of each command.



Miguel Gama Nunes



Copyright (c) 2014, Caixa Magica Software Lda (CMS).
The work has been developed in the TIMBUS Project and the above-mentioned are Members of the TIMBUS Consortium.
TIMBUS is supported by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme for research and technological development and demonstration activities (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 269940.

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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitation under the License.