git clone vfos-assets-enablers-nen-code

File Date Author Commit
DB 2018-06-27 Miguel Rodrigues Miguel Rodrigues [f1d3f7] Merge branch 'develop'
backend 2018-07-05 Miguel Rodrigues Miguel Rodrigues [9bb579] Merge branch 'develop'
config 2018-05-31 David Aleixo David Aleixo [d5f2bb] Major update to cronDispatcher
controllers 2018-07-05 Miguel Rodrigues Miguel Rodrigues [87da39] Merge branch 'develop'
docker 2018-07-02 Miguel Rodrigues Miguel Rodrigues [c75285] Merge branch 'develop'
frontend 2018-07-05 Miguel Rodrigues Miguel Rodrigues [9bb579] Merge branch 'develop'
mochawesome-report 2018-07-05 Miguel Rodrigues Miguel Rodrigues [9bb579] Merge branch 'develop'
test 2018-07-05 Miguel Rodrigues Miguel Rodrigues [9bb579] Merge branch 'develop'
.bowerrc 2018-05-14 Miguel Rodrigues Miguel Rodrigues [cddd0c] Merge branch 'develop'
.dockerignore 2018-05-12 Miguel Rodrigues Miguel Rodrigues [a1bee8] Commit All Files
.gitignore 2018-05-15 Miguel Rodrigues Miguel Rodrigues [947560] Merge branch 'develop'
Dockerfile 2018-05-14 Miguel Rodrigues Miguel Rodrigues [5f0b3d] Merge branch 'develop'
bower.json 2018-05-27 Miguel Rodrigues Miguel Rodrigues [798bd2] Merge branch 'develop'
constants.js 2018-07-05 Miguel Rodrigues Miguel Rodrigues [9bb579] Merge branch 'develop'
data.env 2018-06-01 Miguel Rodrigues Miguel Rodrigues [60d4c5] Merge branch 'develop'
docker-compose.yml 2018-07-02 Miguel Rodrigues Miguel Rodrigues [c75285] Merge branch 'develop'
package.json 2018-07-05 Miguel Rodrigues Miguel Rodrigues [9bb579] Merge branch 'develop' 2018-07-05 Miguel Rodrigues Miguel Rodrigues [87da39] Merge branch 'develop'
signature.js 2018-05-12 Miguel Rodrigues Miguel Rodrigues [a1bee8] Commit All Files

Read Me

ERROR! The markdown supplied could not be parsed correctly. Did you forget to surround a code snippet with "~~~~"?

## Notification Enabler
### Read me

#### 1. Prerequisite

In order to run this enabler code on your local machine you should have installed Docker.

#### 2. Instalation

Make sure the docker is installed on the system environment. 

##### 2.1. Clone the code repository:

`git clone https://<username> vfos-assets-enablers-nen-code`

##### 2.2. Run multi-container Docker application
`This multi-container Docker application is composed by two services: `enabler` and `MySQL`.`

`Navigate to the clone directory and execute `docker-compose up --build` to startup the multi-container enabler on background.`

#### 2.3. Usage

`Whenever it's needed to have this enabler runnig, please execute `docker-compose up`.`

`On the browser please navigate to `localhost:5000` to reach the frontend module.`

Notification enabler will need the following Environment Variables:

`This Environment Variables will be in data.env file, locate on the clone directory.`

#### 3. API

## vf-OS Enablers

### Enabler 2 - Get Rules

GET /api/vf-os-enabler/v0/getRules/myawesomeappid
Accept: */*

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
X-Powered-By: Express
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 11:04:31 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-Encondig: chunked

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "rulesID": ruleID,
            "description": "Description",
            "parameter": "Parameter",
            "conditionValue": "Condition Value",
            "controlValue": "Control Value",
            "threshold": "Threshold",
            "notifyType": "Notify Type",
            "emailTo": "Emails",
            "notificationType": notificationType,
            "hostname": "Hostname",
            "port": Port,
            "path": "Path",
            "method": "Method",
            "token": "Token"

Use this API call whenever is needed to retrieve all rules related to vApp.  

#### Request
`GET /api/vf-os-enabler/<api_version>/getRules/<app_id>`

#### URL Parameters

Resource Parameter | Description
------------------ | -----------
api_version        | Identifies the API version that will be used for the request.
app_id             | Identifies the APP.

#### Return Payload

The API response will contain a JSON document with the property `success`: **true**, **false** and the `data` with the rules of app (if found).

In the following Example it's queried all rules related to specific appID:

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "rulesID": 1,
            "description": "TR37",
            "parameter": "TR37",
            "conditionValue": ">",
            "controlValue": "37",
            "threshold": "10",
            "notifyType": "Email",
            "emailTo": ",,",
            "notificationType": 5,
            "hostname": "null",
            "port": 0,
            "path": "null",
            "method": "null",
            "token": "0ahobLza90bTxNPF9wBYVOtMCoPOD8DMonijqthUila"

#### Return Codes
Code | Description
---- | -----------
200  | Data Found.
404  | AppID Incorrect.
500  | Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

### Enabler 2 - Get Statistics

GET /api/vf-os-enabler/v0/getStatistics/1
Accept: */*

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
X-Powered-By: Express
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 11:04:31 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-Encondig: chunked

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "statisticsID": 102,
            "date": "2018-07-05T13:07:35.000Z",
            "result": "true",
            "subjectValue": "80",
            "subject": "TR47",
            "rulesID": 80
    "total": {
        "totalNotifications": 1,
        "totalNotificationsApplyByRules": 1,
        "averageValue": "80.00",
        "percentage": "100.00"

Use this API call whenever is needed to retrieve all statistics related to Rule.  

#### Request
`GET /api/vf-os-enabler/<api_version>/getStatistics/<rule_id>`

#### URL Parameters

Resource Parameter | Description
------------------ | -----------
api_version        | Identifies the API version that will be used for the request.
rule_id             | Identifies the Rule.

#### Return Payload

The API response will contain a JSON document with the property `success`: **true**, **false** and the `data` with the statistics of rule (if found).

In the following Example it's queried all statistics related to specific ruleID:

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "statisticsID": 102,
            "date": "2018-07-05T13:07:35.000Z",
            "result": "true",
            "subjectValue": "80",
            "subject": "TR47",
            "rulesID": 80
    "total": {
        "totalNotifications": 1,
        "totalNotificationsApplyByRules": 1,
        "averageValue": "80.00",
        "percentage": "100.00"

#### Return Codes
Code | Description
---- | -----------
200  | Data Found.
404  | RuleID Incorrect.
500  | Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

### Enabler 2 - Get Notifications

GET /api/vf-os-enabler/v0/getNotifications/myawesomeappid
Accept: */*

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
X-Powered-By: Express
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 11:04:31 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-Encondig: chunked

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "notificationID": 1,
            "subject": "Subject = Value of subject",
            "date": "2018-06-29T17:03:50.000Z",
            "token": "0ahobLza90bTxNPF9wBYVOtMCoPOD8DMonijqthUila",
            "rulesID": 2
Use this API call whenever is needed to retrieve all notifications of vApp.

#### Request
`GET /api/vf-os-enabler/<api_version>/getNotifications/<app_id>`

#### URL Parameters

Resource Parameter | Description
------------------ | -----------
api_version        | Identifies the API version that will be used for the request.
app_id             | Identifies the APP to show the notifications.

#### Return Payload

The API response will contain a JSON document with the property `success`: **true**, **false** and the `data` with the notifications of app (if found).

In the following Example it's queried the all notifications of specific appID:

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "notificationID": 1,
            "subject": "TR37 = 100",
            "date": "2018-06-29T17:03:50.000Z",
            "token": "0ahobLza90bTxNPF9wBYVOtMCoPOD8DMonijqthUila",
            "rulesID": 1

#### Return Codes
Code | Description
---- | -----------
200  | Data Found.
404  | AppID Incorrect.
500  | Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

### Enabler 2 - Get Apps

GET /api/vf-os-enabler/v0/getApps/
Accept: */*

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
X-Powered-By: Express
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 13:00:00 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-Encondig: chunked

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "token": "token",
            "appID": "AppID",
            "developerID": "DeveloperID"
Use this API call whenever is needed to retrieve all apps of developerid.

#### Request
`GET /api/vf-os-enabler/<api_version>/getApps/<developer_id>`

#### URL Parameters

Resource Parameter | Description
------------------ | -----------
api_version        | Identifies the API version that will be used for the request.
developer_id       | Identifies the Developer.

#### Return Payload

The API response will contain a JSON document with the property `success`: **true**, **false** and the `data` with the notifications of app (if found).

In the following Example it's queried the all Apps of specific developerID:

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "token": "0ahobLza90bTxNPF9wBYVOtMCoPOD8DMonijqthUila",
            "appID": "TR",
            "developerID": ""

#### Return Codes
Code | Description
---- | -----------
200  | Data Found.
404  | DeveloperID does not exist.
500  | Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

### Enabler 2 - Delete vApp

DELETE /api/vf-os-enabler/v0/app/myawesomeappid
Accept: */*

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
X-Powered-By: Express
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 13:00:00 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-Encondig: chunked

    "success": true,
    "data": "Delete Vapp Successfully"
Use this API call whenever is needed to delete vApp.

#### Request
`GET /api/vf-os-enabler/<api_version>/app/<app_id>`

#### URL Parameters

Resource Parameter | Description
------------------ | -----------
api_version        | Identifies the API version that will be used for the request.
app_id             | Identifies the APP.

#### Return Payload

The API response will contain a JSON document with the property `success`: **true**, **false**.

In the following Example it's delete the vApp:

    "success": true,
    "data": "Delete Vapp Successfully"

#### Return Codes

Code | Description
---- | ---
200  | Delete Vapp Successfully.
404  | AppID Incorrect.
500  | Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

### Enabler 2 - Delete Rules

DELETE /api/vf-os-enabler/v0/rule/1
Accept: */*

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
X-Powered-By: Express
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 13:00:00 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-Encondig: chunked

    "success": true,
    "data": "Delete Rule Successfully"
Use this API call whenever is needed to delete rule of vApp.

#### Request
`GET /api/vf-os-enabler/<api_version>/rule/<rule_id>`

#### URL Parameters

Resource Parameter | Description
------------------ | -----------
api_version        | Identifies the API version that will be used for the request.
rule_id            | Identifies the Rule.

#### Return Payload

The API response will contain a JSON document with the property `success`: **true**, **false**.

In the following Example it's delete the rule:

    "success": true,
    "data": "Delete Rule Successfully"

#### Return Codes
Code | Description
---- | -----------
200  | Delete Rule Successfully.
404  | RuleID Incorrect.
500  | Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

### Enabler 2 - Create Notifications

POST /api/vf-os-enabler/v0/notifications
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

		 "subjectValue": "my_SubjectValue_1"
		 "subjectValue": "my_SubjectValue_2"
		 "subjectValue": "my_SubjectValue_3"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
X-Powered-By: Express
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 15:00:00 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-Encondig: chunked

    "success": true,
    "reason": [
            "subject": "my_Subject_1",
            "subjectValue": "my_SubjectValue_1",
            "total": 1,
            "results": [
                    "ruleid": 1,
                    "success": true,
                    "comment": "Rule applied",
                    "notType": 5

Use this API call whenever is needed to create a new notification.

#### Request
`POST /api/vf-os-enabler/<api_version>/notifications`

#### URL Parameters

Resource Parameter | Description
------------------ | -----------
api_version        | Identifies the API version that will be used for the request.

#### JSON Body Payload

Name    | Required    | Type   | Description
------- | ----------- | ------ | -----------  
token   |    Yes      | STRING | String where is the token. 
body    |    Yes      | JSON   | JSON document where is the subject and subjectValue. 

Example of JSON body payload structure: 
`	{
		"token": "string",
		"body": [
				"subject" : "stirng",
				"subjectValue" : "string"
				"subject" : "string",
				"subjectValue" : "string"
				"subject" : "stirng",
				"subjectValue" : "string"

#### Return Payload

The API response will contain a JSON document with the property `success`: **true**, **false** and the `reason` if the `success` became **false**.


    "success": true,
    "reason": [
            "subject": "TR37",
            "subjectValue": "100",
            "total": 1,
            "results": [
                    "ruleid": 1,
                    "success": true,
                    "comment": "Rule applied",
                    "notType": 5

#### Return Codes
Code | Description
---- | ----
200  | Notification created successfully.
500  | Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

### Enabler 2 - Register vApp

POST /api/vf-os-enabler/v0/register
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
X-Powered-By: Express
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 15:00:00 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-Encondig: chunked

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "token": "Z58oqMmXJJzC1KHAaPurgohg00xgklomu5DVXgcZwj4"

Use this API call whenever is needed to create vApp.

#### Request
`POST /api/vf-os-enabler/<api_version>/register`

#### URL Parameters

Resource Parameter | Description
------------------ | -----------
api_version        | Identifies the API version that will be used for the request.

#### JSON Body Payload

Name          | Required    | Type   | Description
------------- | ----------- | ------ | -----------
appID         |    Yes      | STRING | String where is the appID.  
developerID   |    Yes      | STRING | String where is the developerID.  

Example of JSON body payload structure: 
`   {
        "appID": [
        "developerID": [

#### Return Payload

The API response will contain a JSON document with the property `success`: **true**, **false** and the `data` if the `success` became **false**.


    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "token": "CQegGDPYvXRSEc6aGS19D4yRNn0usWnS8tyiDNC6ji3"
            "token": "4q6xB8dsjwy9dv5NN4Thdd6zCO75K6SiF82aJHC45rb"

#### Return Codes
Code | Description
---- | ----
200  | Register Vapp: Successfully.
404  | App is already registered or AppID is Null.
500  | Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

### Enabler 2 - Create Rules

POST /api/vf-os-enabler/v0/notification/rules
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

            "appID": "AppID",
            "description": "Description",
            "parameter": "Parameter",
            "conditionValue": "Condition Value",
            "controlValue": "Control Value",
            "threshold": "Threshold",
            "notifyType": "Notify Type",
            "notificationType": "Notification Type",
            "hostname": "Hostname",
            "port": "Port",
            "path": "Path",
            "method": "Method",

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
X-Powered-By: Express
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 15:00:00 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-Encondig: chunked

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "description": "Description",
            "reason": "Success"

Use this API call whenever is needed to create a rule of vApp.

#### Request
`POST /api/vf-os-enabler/<api_version>/notification/rules/`

#### URL Parameters

Resource Parameter | Description
------------------ | -----------
api_version        | Identifies the API version that will be used for the request.

#### JSON Body Payload

Name             | Required | Type   | Description
---------------- | -------- | ------ | -----------
appID            | Yes      | STRING | String where is the vAppID. 
description      | Yes      | STRING | String where is the description.
parameter        | Yes      | STRING | String where is the parameter for the rule.
conditionValue   | Yes      | STRING | String where is the conditionValue (>, <, >=, <=).
controlValue     | Yes      | STRING | String where is the controlValue.
threshold        | Yes      | STRING | String where is the Threshold.
notifyType       | Yes      | STRING | String where is the notifyType ("Email" or "HTTP Request").
notificationType | Yes      | STRING | String where is the Notification Type (1 - Notify End of Month, 2 - Notify End of Two Weeks, 3 - Notify End of Week, 4 - Notify End of Three Days, 5 - Notify Immediately).
hostname         | Yes      | STRING | String where is the Hostname.
port             | Yes      | STRING | String where is the Port.
path             | Yes      | STRING | String where is the Path.
method           | Yes      | STRING | String where is the Method ("POST", "GET", "PUT" or "DELETE").
emailTo          | Yes      | STRING | Array of Strings where is the emails.

Example of JSON body payload structure: 
    "body": [
            "appID": "TR1",
            "description": "TR97",
            "parameter": "TR47",
            "conditionValue": ">",
            "controlValue": "47",
            "threshold": "20",
            "notifyType": "Email",
            "notificationType": 5,
            "hostname": "null",
            "port": 0,
            "path": "null",
            "method": "null",
            "emailTo": [
            "appID": "TR1",
            "description": "TR87",
            "parameter": "TR57",
            "conditionValue": ">",
            "controlValue": "57",
            "threshold": "20",
            "notifyType": "HTTP Request",
            "notificationType": 0,
            "hostname": "teste",
            "port": 80,
            "path": "/api",
            "method": "POST",
            "emailTo": [

#### Return Payload

The API response will contain a JSON document with the property `success`: **true**, **false** and the `reason` if the `success` became **false**.


    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "description": "TR97",
            "reason": "Success"
            "description": "TR87",
            "reason": "Success"

#### Return Codes
Code | Description
---- | ----
200  | Rule created successfully.
500  | Internal Server Error - There was an unexpected error at some point during the processing of the request.

### Powered by:

![alt text]( "Notification Enabler")