Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -25,13 +25,17 @@
 `On the browser please navigate to `localhost:5000` to reach the frontend module.`
 Notification enabler will need the following Environment Variables:
 `This Environment Variables will be in data.env file, locate on the clone directory.`
@@ -58,50 +62,64 @@
     "success": true,
     "data": [
-            "rulesID": 11,
-            "description": "New Rule",
-            "parameter": "slumptest",
+            "rulesID": ruleID,
+            "description": "Description",
+            "parameter": "Parameter",
+            "conditionValue": "Condition Value",
+            "controlValue": "Control Value",
+            "threshold": "Threshold",
+            "notifyType": "Notify Type",
+            "emailTo": "Emails",
+            "notificationType": notificationType,
+            "hostname": "Hostname",
+            "port": Port,
+            "path": "Path",
+            "method": "Method",
+            "token": "Token"
+        }
+    ]
+Use this API call whenever is needed to retrieve all rules related to vApp.  
+#### Request
+`GET /api/vf-os-enabler/<api_version>/getRules/<app_id>`
+#### URL Parameters
+Resource Parameter | Description
+------------------ | -----------
+api_version        | Identifies the API version that will be used for the request.
+app_id             | Identifies the APP.
+#### Return Payload
+The API response will contain a JSON document with the property `success`: **true**, **false** and the `data` with the rules of app (if found).
+In the following Example it's queried all rules related to specific appID:
+    "success": true,
+    "data": [
+        {
+            "rulesID": 1,
+            "description": "TR37",
+            "parameter": "TR37",
             "conditionValue": ">",
-            "controlValue": "5",
+            "controlValue": "37",
+            "threshold": "10",
+            "notifyType": "Email",
+            "emailTo": "miguel.rodrigues@knowledgebiz.pt,miguel.andre.rodrigues@gmail.com,ma.rodrigues@campus.fct.unl.pt",
             "notificationType": 5,
-            "token": "fgTJAyuX0M4tpn1P2WXAJmRbDH7hwbVhZsL26Ca1Ecm"
-        }
-    ]
-Use this API call whenever is needed to retrieve all rules related to vApp.  
-#### Request
-`GET /api/vf-os-enabler/<api_version>/getRules/<app_id>`
-#### URL Parameters
-Resource Parameter | Description
------------------- | -----------
-api_version        | Identifies the API version that will be used for the request.
-app_id             | Identifies the APP.
-#### Return Payload
-The API response will contain a JSON document with the property `success`: **true**, **false** and the `data` with the rules of app (if found).
-In the following Example it's queried all rules related to specific appID:
-    "success": true,
-    "data": [
-        {
-            "rulesID": 11,
-            "description": "New Rule",
-            "parameter": "slumptest",
-            "conditionValue": ">",
-            "controlValue": "5",
-            "notificationType": 5,
-            "token": "fgTJAyuX0M4tpn1P2WXAJmRbDH7hwbVhZsL26Ca1Ecm"
+            "hostname": "null",
+            "port": 0,
+            "path": "null",
+            "method": "null",
+            "token": "0ahobLza90bTxNPF9wBYVOtMCoPOD8DMonijqthUila"
@@ -133,10 +151,11 @@
     "success": true,
     "data": [
-            "emailTo": "raquel.melo@knowledgebiz.pt",
-            "subject": "slumptest>10",
-            "date": "2018-04-27 12:06:02",
-            "token": "fgTJAyuX0M4tpn1P2WXAJmRbDH7hwbVhZsL26Ca1Ecm"
+            "notificationID": 1,
+            "subject": "Subject = Value of subject",
+            "date": "2018-06-29T17:03:50.000Z",
+            "token": "0ahobLza90bTxNPF9wBYVOtMCoPOD8DMonijqthUila",
+            "rulesID": 2
@@ -166,34 +185,11 @@
     "success": true,
     "data": [
-            "emailTo": "miguel.rodrigues@knowledgebiz.pt",
-            "subject": "slumptest=40",
-            "date": "2018-04-27 15:39:51",
-            "token": "fgTJAyuX0M4tpn1P2WXAJmRbDH7hwbVhZsL26Ca1Ecm"
-        },
-        {
-            "emailTo": "miguel.rodrigues@knowledgebiz.pt",
-            "subject": "slumptest=40",
-            "date": "2018-04-27 16:06:00",
-            "token": "fgTJAyuX0M4tpn1P2WXAJmRbDH7hwbVhZsL26Ca1Ecm"
-        },
-        {
-            "emailTo": "miguel.rodrigues@knowledgebiz.pt",
-            "subject": "slumptest=40",
-            "date": "2018-04-27 16:06:09",
-            "token": "fgTJAyuX0M4tpn1P2WXAJmRbDH7hwbVhZsL26Ca1Ecm"
-        },
-        {
-            "emailTo": "miguel.rodrigues@knowledgebiz.pt",
-            "subject": "slumptest=40",
-            "date": "2018-04-27 16:08:30",
-            "token": "fgTJAyuX0M4tpn1P2WXAJmRbDH7hwbVhZsL26Ca1Ecm"
-        },
-        {
-            "emailTo": "miguel.rodrigues@knowledgebiz.pt",
-            "subject": "slumptest=40",
-            "date": "2018-04-27 16:09:51",
-            "token": "fgTJAyuX0M4tpn1P2WXAJmRbDH7hwbVhZsL26Ca1Ecm"
+            "notificationID": 1,
+            "subject": "TR37 = 100",
+            "date": "2018-06-29T17:03:50.000Z",
+            "token": "0ahobLza90bTxNPF9wBYVOtMCoPOD8DMonijqthUila",
+            "rulesID": 1
@@ -226,9 +222,9 @@
     "success": true,
     "data": [
-            "token": "Es5zfsco57fieoQcDJZuIZxFZWv4HQbBYgUXRgqodQp",
-            "appID": "myawesomeappid",
-            "developerID": "david.aleixo@knowledgebiz.pt"
+            "token": "token",
+            "appID": "AppID",
+            "developerID": "DeveloperID"
@@ -258,9 +254,9 @@
     "success": true,
     "data": [
-            "token": "Es5zfsco57fieoQcDJZuIZxFZWv4HQbBYgUXRgqodQp",
-            "appID": "MiguelID",
-            "developerID": "painatal_vodka@hotmail.com"
+            "token": "0ahobLza90bTxNPF9wBYVOtMCoPOD8DMonijqthUila",
+            "appID": "TR",
+            "developerID": "miguel.rodrigues@knowledgebiz.pt"
@@ -384,15 +380,11 @@
 ### Enabler 2 - Create Notifications
-POST http://localhost:8000/api/vf-os-enabler/v0/notifications
+POST /api/vf-os-enabler/v0/notifications
 Accept: */*
 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
-	"emailTo":[
-		"my_email1",
-		"my_email2"
-	],
@@ -450,17 +442,12 @@
 #### JSON Body Payload
 Name    | Required    | Type   | Description
-------- | ----------- | ------ | -----------
-emailTo |    Yes      | STRING | String where is the emails.  
+------- | ----------- | ------ | -----------  
 token   |    Yes      | STRING | String where is the token. 
 body    |    Yes      | JSON   | JSON document where is the subject and subjectValue. 
 Example of JSON body payload structure: 
 `	{
-		"emailTo": [
-			"string",
-			"string"
-		 ],
 		"token": "string",
 		"body": [
@@ -513,7 +500,7 @@
 ### Enabler 2 - Register vApp
-POST http://localhost:8000/api/vf-os-enabler/v0/register
+POST /api/vf-os-enabler/v0/register
 Accept: */*
 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
@@ -597,18 +584,30 @@
 ### Enabler 2 - Create Rules
-POST http://localhost:8000/api/vf-os-enabler/v0/notification/rules
+POST /api/vf-os-enabler/v0/notification/rules
 Accept: */*
 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
-	"appID":"my_appID",
-	"description":"my_description",
-	"parameter":"my_parameter",
-	"conditionValue":"my_conditionValue",
-	"controlValue":"my_controlValue",
-	"notificationType":"my_notificationType"
+    {
+        appID: "AppID",
+        description: "Description",
+        parameter: "Parameter",
+        conditionValue: "Condition Value",
+        controlValue: "Control Value",
+        threshold: "Threshold",
+        notifyType: "Notify Type",
+        notificationType: "Notification Type",
+        hostname: "Hostname",
+        port: "Port",
+        path: "Path",
+        method: "Method",
+        emailTo:[
+                "emailTo_1",
+                "emailTo_2"
+        ]
+    }
@@ -643,18 +642,38 @@
 description      | Yes      | STRING | String where is the description.
 parameter        | Yes      | STRING | String where is the parameter for the rule.
 conditionValue   | Yes      | STRING | String where is the conditionValue (>, <, >=, <=).
-controlValue     | Yes      | STRING | String where is the controlValue (Threshold).
+controlValue     | Yes      | STRING | String where is the controlValue.
+threshold        | Yes      | STRING | String where is the Threshold.
+notifyType       | Yes      | STRING | String where is the notifyType ("Email" or "HTTP Request").
 notificationType | Yes      | STRING | String where is the Notification Type (1 - Notify End of Month, 2 - Notify End of Two Weeks, 3 - Notify End of Week, 4 - Notify End of Three Days, 5 - Notify Immediately).
+hostname         | Yes      | STRING | String where is the Hostname.
+port             | Yes      | STRING | String where is the Port.
+path             | Yes      | STRING | String where is the Path.
+method           | Yes      | STRING | String where is the Method ("POST", "GET", "PUT" or "DELETE").
+emailTo          | Yes      | STRING | Array of Strings where is the emails.
 Example of JSON body payload structure: 
-`   {
-        "appID": "string",
-        "description": "string",
-        "parameter": "string",
-        "conditionValue": "string",
-        "controlValue": "string",
-        "notificationType": "string"
-    }`
+    {
+        "appID": "TR",
+        "description": "TR37",
+        "parameter": "TR37",
+        "conditionValue": ">",
+        "controlValue": "37",
+        "threshold": "10",
+        "notifyType": "Email",
+        "notificationType": 5,
+        "hostname": "null",
+        "port": 0,
+        "path": "null",
+        "method": "null",
+        "emailTo": [
+            "miguel.rodrigues@knowledgebiz.pt",
+             "miguel.andre.rodrigues@gmail.com",
+            "ma.rodrigues@campus.fct.unl.pt"
+        ]
+    }
 #### Return Payload