added generator/generators/test/test-iotoolkit.js
changed generator-vfos-io/package.json
copied generator/__tests__/app.js -> generator-vfos-io/__tests__/app.js
copied generator/generators/app/templates/dummyfile.txt -> generator-vfos-io/generators/app/templates/dummyfile.txt
copied generator/generators/app/index.js -> generator-vfos-io/generators/app/index.js
copied generator/swagger/Driver.yaml -> generator-vfos-io/swagger/Driver.yaml
copied generator/.editorconfig -> generator-vfos-io/.editorconfig
copied generator/.eslintignore -> generator-vfos-io/.eslintignore
copied generator/.gitattributes -> generator-vfos-io/.gitattributes
copied generator/.gitignore -> generator-vfos-io/.gitignore
copied generator/.travis.yml -> generator-vfos-io/.travis.yml
copied generator/.yo-rc.json -> generator-vfos-io/.yo-rc.json
copied generator/LICENSE -> generator-vfos-io/LICENSE
copied generator/ -> generator-vfos-io/
copied generator/package.json -> generator-vfos-io/package.json
generator/generators/test/test-iotoolkit.js Diff Switch to side-by-side view
generator-vfos-io/package.json Diff Switch to side-by-side view
generator/ to generator-vfos-io/
--- a/generator/
+++ b/generator-vfos-io/
@@ -1,37 +1,41 @@
 # generator-vfos-io [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![Dependency Status][daviddm-image]][daviddm-url]
-## Debugging
+## Development 
 > vf-OS IO Toolkit Component generator. 
 This generator has been generated using the Yeoman Generator-Generator. If you want to generate the code from scratch, 
-then install Yeoman and the generator generator:
-npm install -g yo
-(npm install -g generator-generator and run yo generator if you want to generate the generator yourself)
+then install Yeoman and the Loopback generator:
+npm install -g yo generator-loopback
 The generator source is under the generator folder. 
 The Swagger default Driver and API Connector files are in the Swagger folder.
+## Installation and testing
 To test it:
 Install required dependencies (npm install)
-Link the generator so that you can use it from the command window (npm link)
-Move to the folder where you want to generate a sample IO component and run the generator (yo vfos-io)
-## Installation
-First, install [Yeoman]( and generator-vfos-io using [npm]( (we assume you have pre-installed [node.js](
-npm install -g yo
 npm install -g generator-vfos-io
-Then generate your new project:
+CD to the generator folder:
+cd generator-vfos-io
+Link the generator so that you can use it from the command window 
+npm link
+Generate your new project with the yeoman command tool:
 yo vfos-io
 ## Getting To Know Yeoman